Tuesday 15 February 2011

Character models

Jordan would be playing the part of the significant extra in our short movie.
We feel as a group that Jordan fits the ''steerotype'' of what we wish the character to act and dress like. As the audience will be aware of him without him being in the foreground this will make him a good significant extra.
 We thought that Blaine would be a good protagonist for our film, once again because we feel he is a good fit for the type of character we want him to portray.
Another reason we felt he would be a good actor for us is his speech as we feel that is the kind of tone we feel our character would have.

We chose Luke as our main antagonist as we feel it's a character that would lead a small group and pick on others. We also felt his dress sense would help the character.

Tom is a simular height to luke and they have a simular dress sense so we felt that this would be a good choice for one on the antagonists followers.

We picked Lewis as we felt he would be able to replicate Luke's attitude for our film, and would make a convincing follower for Luke.

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